
First meeting's ramblings

So the "IT Ramblings" meeting has taken place and I want to share some of my impression with everyone disregarding whether you attended the event or not. I assume that if you're reading this post - you might be interested ;)

It was very nice, to begin with. As planned we(about 15 people) gathered on 29-th June and started the event at around 6 PM (GMT+2). First we had a brief administrativa by Ivan followed by a short introduction from everyone so that people could get acquainted and also get a general understanding of whom they are going to deal with for the next 1.5 hours. Turned out that each of the attendees had its own purpose which was interesting to get to know about.

After this part Ivan naturally continued into the "News" section telling about IBM, cloud and other big IT things in our life. That generated quite a lot of rigorous discussion, which we were all pleased to participate in. As the news were sorted out Jim continued with an informative and interesting rambling on data storage concepts, best practices, etc. This was both interesting and new(IMO) to almost everyone. Being quite engaged into the talk we completely ran out of time, but I think no one was disappointed as we all had a great time. Some pics from our meeting:
But wait there's more :) The next meeting is scheduled on July 19-th. We'll talk more about cloud things, current trends and anticipations, probably will do a useful presentation and of course Jim would have a talk on smth IT-related. Should it be storage, networks, opensource, linux or interviews in the US - we are not sure yet, but stay tuned! Registration link is HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Meetings that are dedicated to IT technologies are always interesting, you can learn a lot of new, interesting projects. http://www.intellias.com/
